The soul would have no rainbow had the eyes no tears.
Alysha update July 30/12 6:30 pm
Stay positive - Stay strong.
Today Alysha tipped her head forward and opened her eyes for 20 seconds, looking first at her Uncle Jason and then at her grampa Wilbert. This caused much excitement among the family and visitors. Another piece of good news is that Alysha's kidneys are turning out a small amount of urine again. She is having dialysis again today.
Today the Doctor reviewed some recovery possibilities with Lisa, Rich, Ron, Wilbert, Jason and Justin. The MRI shows that one part of Alysha's brain that is affected is the part that controls her vision. They think Alysha can see, they are just not sure how much she can see. It is possible her motor control is affected and she will need to re-learn the basic human functions as well as learning how to walk and talk. If she still needs ongoing mechanical ventilation support, next week they are considering a tracheotomy. When the doctors talk about Alysha's recovery they use vague expressions like, "for a long time," and "for a while," but they won't define what units of time that expression might refer to. Lisa's message to everyone is stay positive - stay strong.
Alysha update July 30/12 at 8:00 am
Report from Lisa this morning....Alysha had an MRI last night at midnight. It went well and Alysha had a good night. Alysha's supplemental oxygen by ventilator is back up to 40%. The nurses say that there has been movement but not on command. They think they will be doing dialysis today but that won't be confirmed until later this morning.
Alysha update July 29/12 at 8:00 pm
More Movement.
Many more reports of movement today. Alysha is wiggling her lips for Lisa and various visitors and she tried to open her eyes for Rich. Lisa has been told to speak more assertively to Alysha to be rewarded with movement. If you talk to her in a soft, soothing, lilty voice you are not guaranteed a response. Apparently she just gets mad when Justin is in and she won't move anything for him...Ahh siblings - some things never change! Supplemental oxygen by the ventilator is down to 30 percent. Her kidneys are still not working today but the medical staff maintain that the kidneys will likely repair themselves.
Visitors today included Jeanne, Michelle, Ron's dad. Eric and Cathy, Paul and Denise. Aashish, Jason and Chrissy and Abby in addition to the usual, Lisa, Rich, Justin and Ron. Visitation was limited today because of other patients in the ICU. Almost everyone who came down got to see Alysha.
Since Wednesday July 25th, Alysha's bold, assertive and frugal family have moved into the surgical ICU waiting room - literally. The small bar-fridge is filled with their food and they brought in an air mattress to sleep on. Momma Bear has no intention of leaving her baby.
Alysha update July 29/12 at 9:00 am
Clean Blood - Fresh Start:
Report from Lisa this morning: "Good morning. Alysha had a good night. Her hemoglobin and blood pressure stayed in a good range. No dialysis today, just rest."
Alysha update July 28/12 11:00 pm
Another upswing in Alysha's condition. They were able to initiate the dialysis treatments today. She was on dialysis for 8 hours and the treatment yielded 3 Litres of fluid and waste. The Dr.'s have told Lisa it is very possible that Alysha's kidney function will return. By late afternoon Alysha was moving her body parts again. Her fingers, toes and lips. It sounds like she tried to kick Rich. The Doctor told Lisa he was able to get Alysha to fully open her eyes after annoying her with auditory and physical stimuli. She is still being mechanically ventilated with 45% oxygen.
John went in to see Alysha. He said she looked "one thousand times better," than when he last saw her on Wednesday. She has a beautiful pink in her cheeks and the incredible facial swelling is now much reduced, especially after the dialysis. There is a plan for 8 more hours of dialysis tomorrow as well.
Visitors today included John, Abby, Jason, Michelle, Jeanne, Aashish, and Debbie and her mom and Ron's Dad. They managed to coax Lisa, Rich and Justin away from the hospital to Jason and Chrissy's house with the promise of a shower and a home-cooked meal that Abby and her friends prepared.
Alysha update July 28/12 7:45 am
Riding the recovery roller-coaster.
Alysha didn't have a great night last night. Now her kidneys are not working at all. Also, she is now in a real coma (one that is not forced by medicines purposefully by the Doctors). Dialysis is now a necessity and it will be the medical team's first priority to get that initiated this morning. On a positive note, they were able to wean Alysha off the medication that was increasing her blood pressure to normal levels. If she had remained reliant on those medications, dialysis would have been a slow process over the course of the day. Instead, Lisa tells me that they will be able to more quickly clean Alysha's blood. Lisa told me that she is looking forward to Dialysis. "They need to get, all that crud (the medications and byproducts from the past 3 days) out of her blood". There is hope that after her blood has been cleaned, her recovery will continue forward like yesterday when Alysha broke through and showed us her will to live and her fight her way back. Lisa is hanging in there but misses the inspiring responsive actions of Alysha's from yesterday.
Jason was there again for the day yesterday, and Justin, Lisa, Rich and Ron have remained down in the city with Alysha since Wednesday. I think other visitors yesterday included Ron's mom and dad and friend Eric. Last night Justin dislocated his shoulder trying to sleep on the chairs - couch in the waiting/family room. Lisa and Rich were able to get it back in themselves but considered a trip to the ER for some conveniently located medical help.
Alysha update July 27/12 late evening
There is some cause for celebration today as Alysha started to move her body - toes, legs, arms and fluttering her eyes in response to auditory and tactile stimuli. Her body has been warmed back up to normal body temperature. She is still on the ventilator. Her eyes remain closed. They have stopped giving her drugs that force her into the medicated coma. She was stable enough to have a CT scan today. Lisa said the CT scan showed a bit of swelling, "at the top of her brain." Lying flat for the CT scan caused her lungs to fill up with fluid that had to be frequently suctioned out. Yesterday Alysha's kidneys were working at 25 percent, today they are working at less. Alysha is producing only 5 mls of urine an hour. They want her to be producing 50 ml per hour. Lisa said, "Her kidneys are failing" and the Doctors are wanting to start Dialysis but in order to initiate dialysis they need to do a procedure that requires Alysha's body to lay flat and she still seems to de-stabilize in that position.
The story of Alysha's first movements goes something like this. Lisa went in to see her, told her the usual, that she was loved, and then told Alysha that she (Lisa) was going to massage her feet since Alysha's circulation in her feet isn't great. Just after Lisa grabbed her feet Alysha curled her toes in. Jason was there to witness it and confirmed that Lisa wasn't just seeing things.
The family is celebrating this small achievement with a renewed optimism.
It has been a big day for Alysha, and LIsa tells me that Alysha is exhausted. The plan is to let her rest through the night. Staff aren't planning on moving her or stimulating her in any way so that she can rest up.
Alysha update July 27/12 7:00 am.
I received a text from Lisa this morning
"Alysha had a good night last night. They cleaned her up a bit but she didn't like it. I told them she just wanted to sleep and didn't want to be bugged."
I don't have much more information at this time. She is still on mechanical ventilation. I am assuming she is still comatose and unresponsive. I will update you all tonight.
Alysha update July 26/12 at 7:00 pm.
Kidneys are failing
Kidneys are failing
Alysha is still on life support and in a forced coma. Here is the good news. They have decreased her supplemental oxygen to 50%. They are starting to warm her up (out of the medical hypothermia).
Lisa was told something about Alysha's liver and kidneys but she isn't certain of the information. I think her liver is fine but her kidneys are only working at 25%. She had an EEG today that ruled out seizure activity as she had some rhythmic eye movement. EEG's can also determine if someone is brain dead and the Doctors didn't report any results such as that to Lisa so I am assuming that is a good thing. They wanted to send Alysha for an MRI and CT scan today but in order to have these tests she has to lay flat on her back. When they move Alysha into this position her heart rate, blood pressure and oxygen saturation become unstable so we will wait for another day for these tests. An x-ray showed her lungs appear slightly better than yesterday - less fluid.
Alysha update July 26/12 at 8:00am
Alysha makes it through the night.
Lisa's text at 4 am was this.....
"I just went in to see her and she has had a good night ."
The doctors re-affirmed that same "good night", message with Ron a few minutes ago.
Now we hope and pray for a steady and full recovery.
Alysha July 25/12 Post-Surgical Disaster.
Our sweet girl Alysha, 21 years old, had cosmetic surgery (tummy tuck) yesterday July 24th at St. Michael's hospital to remove extra skin left over on her abdomen after she lost 150 pounds. Two years ago, Alysha had brain surgery to remove a tumour growing on her pituitary gland. The brain tumour had caused Alysha to gain a lot of extra weight. After the tumour was removed, Alysha rapidly lost 150 lbs and she was left with too much loose and baggy skin around her abdomen.
Alysha was awake and talking last night after her surgery. Between midnight and 3:00 this morning her previously normal recovery went badly. She is unconscious, unresponsive and on a ventilator and receiving multiple units / pints of blood. Her heart has stopped 3 times, the longest was for 20 minutes. She doesn't seem to be responding to any treatments. And the doctors are flummoxed.
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Alysha Just Prior to Surgery |
Update: The surgeon who performed the tummy tuck yesterday cancelled all his surgeries today to be with Alysha. The surgeon from yesterday said the surgery was completely straightforward and uncomplicated No one seems to understand what has happened.
Update: The doctors updated Lisa and Ron and they are suspecting a fat embolism but they aren't sure. Alysha is in a medicated forced coma. There are teams of doctors in her room scratching their heads.
Update: They told Lisa and Ron that they were considering transferring Alysha to Toronto General Hospital but they are worried that they won't be able to keep Alysha alive through the trip.
Update: A Dr came in and had Lisa and Ron sign for consent for the use of blood and blood products. They explained why they were considering the transport to the General. They can't get Alysha's Oxygen saturation above 80% except for brief periods. Normal Oxygen saturation is over 90%. They are considering a life-support option where they bypass Alysha's lungs and a machine oxygenates her blood. They are worried that Alysha's lungs aren't in good shape. They can do the lung bypass care at St. Michael's but they specialize in that kind of care at Toronto General and there are a few more care options at the General. The medical team is trialling lifting Alysha to see how her body responds to the movement that would be encountered during the transfer.
Update: Lisa and Ron have been burdened with the responsibility of making a tough choice.
1. Stay at St. Michaels where they have maxed out their ability to oxygenate Alysha's blood or
2. Transport to Toronto General where they specialize in the care that Alysha needs, but risk a 50% chance that she will die during the trip.
Update: Alysha's condition improved marginally, so the Dr's have recommended she stay at St. Michaels. Her parents no longer needs to make the decision to transport or not.
Over the course of the day Lisa and Ron have been very generous with the couple of visitation minutes they are allotted each hour to spend time with their daughter. They have sacrificed those precious minutes with their daughter to allow for each family member to spend some time with Alysha.
Alysha is incredibly swollen in her face and neck and chest. Her skin is stretched and has a waxy appearance. She is freezing cold to the touch. She is on a ventilator and except for her chest rising and falling with the breaths from the ventilator she is completely motionless and unresponsive. She is, however, alive and her condition seems marginally better regarding her blood oxygenation. Keeping her alive and stabilising her are the goals for now.
Update: 10:00 pm July 25/12. Jason, Chrissy, Michelle, Paul, Denise, Alex, Kahlan, Aashish, John, Abigail and I spent the day at the hospital. Other visitors included Rich's family and Lisa's friend Debbie and daughter Robin. Most of us are leaving for the night and Lisa, Rich, Ron, Jeanne, Justin, Aashish and Michelle are staying. The doctors are slowly (minimally) reducing Alysha's respiratory support and she seems to be doing ok. Her freezing cold skin is because of a forced hypothermia to decrease stress on all her organs and to decrease her body's need for oxygen. That decreases the workload on her heart and lungs. They may slowly start to warm her up in 24 hours. The warm-up process will take 24 hours and then they will start to ease her slowly out of her medical comma.
Prayers are welcome as are miracles
Marcia Rowat (Aunty Marcy)
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Marcia, Lisa and Alysha |
Alysha we love you and are praying for a full recovery
Marcia...thanks so much for keeping us all informed. thoughts are with fact, I think of little else. If you need me for anything, I'm a phone call away. I am praying like I have never prayed before. Hugs for everyone!!
xo Deb
Yes Marcia, we really appreciate you keeping us up to date on Alysha's recovery.
Lisa, Ron and Justin we always are keeping our best thoughts and prayers flowing for Alysha. Love the Pagett's.
Marcia, Thank you SO much for taking the time to do this to keep us all informed. Please send everyone my love and support. SO many people are praying for Alysha's full recovery. Sending everyone prayers and love and strength.
Lisa and I (rich) would like to thank everyone for there support and prayers alysha is so strong just like her mother and she will get through this. please continue to stay positive and pray we need all the help we can get. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH
I had no difficulty sensing the excitement in Lisa's voice yesterday when she called to report that Alysha had opened her eyes...WOW!!! Marlene called yesterday for an update and Mel called this a.m...they send their love and Alysha is in their prayers. I have given them this website address so they can keep current.
Hugs for all.
xo Deb
love you sooo much janeeman.. prayers are always with you dear
WOW...a smile for Justin. Great progress. I am smiling too!! I am soooo happy that Lisa & Rich were persuaded to spend a night away from the hospital. I would imagine the hospital chairs get very hard after a week.
Checked on, water, litter...all good. Sierra has been eating me out of house and home. Today...barf & diarreha...great! She had a bath to clean up and cool off. All is good at this end.
Still praying!
xoxo Deb
Alysha, Lisa, Rich and are in my thoughts and my prayers every single day. "Laughter is the shortest distance between two people". Lisa, you have the best laugh. Let her hear you!
Last night there was a meteor shower. We wished on 15 falling stars for Alysha's return to good health. Love Auntie Marcy and Uncle John.
I just saw an article on this, I had no idea that this had happened to Alysha. I went to EDHS with her, we sang in vocal class together. I remember her always being so bubbly and happy, always had a smile on her face. I hope she makes a full recovery. We may not have been best friends or anything, but this saddens me so much. She's a great person, Weirdly enough, just a few days ago I was wondering what's up with Alysha I haven't talked to her in forever, but I couldn't find her on facebook...a few days later I heard this and am shocked. Be strong, Alysha has a great attitude and I know she can pull through :).
Hey Alysha (and whoever else may read this or is reading this),
I just heard the news. Even though we haven't talked in a while, I just wanted to pass on my regards because you can't forget the good times and friends. It's truly sad and a horrible thing. But I don't want to focus on the negative things because you just can't. I want to focus of the positive things and all the fun times that you have! Oh god! Can you remember EDHS day your house and the scuba mask with Andrea? Grade 8? Grade 9? Grade 10? Grade 11? And your birthdays and everything? I want to let you know that you can do this! You are amazing and a wonderful person. The world needs more happy and strong people like you. And I for one, sure believe that you will get better soon. Life is full of hurdles and you have already overcome so many! So I ask you, what's one more? It takes one step at a time, that's all. :)
Anyways, leaving with some final words of wisdom from Dori (possibly the best and most optimistic fish ever) : JUST KEEP SWIMMING! JUST KEEP SWIMMING! JUST KEEP SWIMMING! JUST KEEP SWIMMING!
You can do this and I know that you can! You are in my thoughts!
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