Saturday 23 February 2013

The Road to Recovery - Week 30.

"Anyone can hide. Facing up to things, working through them, that's what makes you strong." (Sarah Dessen)

Our sweet cherished Alysha Rose Smith is recovering from a post surgical complication that put her into cardiac arrest and into a coma for 7 days.  She emerged from the coma with severe brain damage.  This website was created to update friends and family of Alysha's progress along the road to recovery.  Please join us as we support Alysha on her journey.  (For earlier details, like the history behind this medical nightmare scroll to the bottom of the blog and click "older posts.")

NOTE: You can now expect weekly updates.  

     Alysha started the outpatient rehab program in another location of the Toronto Rehab Institute this week.  This location is slightly easier to get to than the previous one downtown.  Lisa was relieved to find this out after Alysha and Lisa made their inaugaral visit to the Rumsey center.  Through the process of supporting her daughter through this health care crisis, Lisa has learned so much as she adapted to their new reality.  One amazing skill this country bumpkin mom has acquired is the ability to drive in Toronto.
     Alysha attended 2 therapy sessions. The first day was all paperwork and the second day was evaluations of Alysha's abilities.  In the new program, Alysha  has a physiotherapy session, occupational therapy session,  and speech therapy session all in the same day two days a week.
     During the week, Alysha spent a day with Aunty Michelle helping her with her childcare business.  This allows Lisa some time to get some of her things done while ensuring Alysha is safe and well cared for by an equally devoted Aunty.  The arrangement was so successful for everyone, that there is a plan for Alysha to spend 2 days a week with her Aunty Michelle.  Lisa gets some time to focus on her multitude of responsibilities that have been set aside since last summer,  Alysha, gets a change of scenery and enjoys spending time with her Aunty and the children and animals, and Aunty Michelle gets some quality time with her niece that she has been desperate for since the summer.
     On the weekend, Alysha got together with most of her aunts, uncles and cousins to celebrate her cousin's 16th birthday.  She was a chatter box from the minute she arrived at the party.  She was cracking witty comments that made the other guests laugh.  There were comical exchanges between Alysha and her Aunt Michelle, with Michelle pretending to pick on Alysha and Alysha calling for her mom to protect her from her aunt and Richard.
      At one point in the visit, Alysha needed to use the washroom. She called for her mom to help her walk to the bathroom.  We were all amazed by the muscle strength and control Alysha had getting up off the couch supported by her mom.  She then "bolted," to the bathroom. She was moving more quickly than we have ever seen. When we asked her, "Why are you moving so quickly?"  Alysha smiled and said, "I REALLY have to go pee!"  
     I took a video of her walking later in the visit.  She is moving at a normal pace in the video.


Saturday 9 February 2013

The Road to Recovery - Week 29

"I have woven a parachute out of everything broken."
 William Stafford.

Our sweet cherished Alysha Rose Smith is recovering from a post surgical complication that put her into cardiac arrest and into a coma for 7 days.  She emerged from the coma with severe brain damage.  This website was created to update friends and family of Alysha's progress along the road to recovery.  Please join us as we support Alysha on her journey.  (For earlier details, like the history behind this medical nightmare scroll to the bottom of the blog and click "older posts.")

NOTE: You can now expect weekly updates.  

Legal Guardianship
     Lisa was granted Legal Guardianship for Alysha this week.  The actual court process was handled with lawyers and a judge without Lisa or Aysha's physical attendance during the proceedings. 

A visit to the Rehab center.
     Lisa and Alysha ventured down to the Toronto Rehab center where Alysha was a resident for the past couple of months. The purpose of this trip was to deliver some paperwork to be filled out for disability support.  They also went to deliver a baby gift to Alysha's speech therapist who is expecting.  Prior to leaving for the city, Alysha required a lot of reassurance that she was not going to be left down at the center for the night. In fact, when she visited she refused to take her jacket off.  The last time they went to the city to visit at the center, Alysha refused to leave home until her mom gave her $20.00.  When Lisa asked what the money was for, Alysha told her it was to take a bus home in case Lisa was plotting to leave her down there.  After each visit, Alysha has been a happy passenger, buckled into the car, travelling north toward home.

Ongoing Physical Improvements.
     This week, Lisa has noticed that Alysha's strength and coordination have improved with regards to her supported walking.  Alysha is requiring less support now to walk.  She is able to walk holding onto Lisa's hands or forearms infront of her.  This means that Lisa and Alysha are facing each other with Alysha walking forward while Lisa walks backward.
     During the visit to the Rehab center the staff were again surprised with the improvements in Alysha's speaking.  
     Alysha started feeding herself with a spoon.  She holds the spoon like a scoop. She can scoop the food (like pasta) out of her bowl and bring it to her mouth independently.  Lisa provides support by helping Alysha to reposition the spoon in her hand when it isn't carrying a food load.

     During a visit to Aunty Michelle's this week, Alysha was able to hold and feed a young baby. See photo below.  Look how happy Alysha is to be feeding a baby again.  Alysha has always been good with babies and children. As the oldest of 12 King cousins, Alysha has had many opportunities to hone her baby and child-care skills.  This baby is a family friend and not a cousin in case some of you are wondering which one of the King family has produced another child.

Alysha and Grace