Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.
Alysha update August 6/12
Alysha update August 5/12
Off mechanical ventilation for practice.
Alysha update August 4/12
Alysha had some time again today off the mechanical ventilator for breathing practice. This is part of a planned breathing work-out, which is part of her care plan. Over the past 3 days Alysha has had additional breathing workouts when the mechanical ventilation tube accidentally detaches from the airway in her neck. Apparently the tube fits loosely over the airway in her neck and easily detaches when Alysha moves her head. It has been unnerving for family to watch the ventilator accidentally detach from Alysha. The medical staff have worked to tighten up the connection between the ventilator and Alysha.
Alysha was restless last night and today. According to Lisa and Rich she is keeping her eyes closed but she is moving and squirming a lot, and her face looks like she is in pain. The family has some concerns that Alysha isn't being appropriately medicated to relieve her post surgical pain and the pain and discomfort related to her resuscitation (2 wks ago), the recent tracheotomy and countless procedures, suctioning, catheters, IV lines, dialysis and physiotherapy.
They attempted dialysis today but had to discontinue it after 2 hours as they were having trouble with her blood clotting. Dialysis seems to be occurring infrequently and the family has concerns about this as well.
Visitors today included, Carolyn, Ron, Lisa, Rich, Jason and Aashish. Grandpa Wilbert and Grandma Pierrette had one last visit with Alysha before they flew back home to New Brunswick today. They plan to return in the fall to see their grand-daughter. Justin, Lisa and Rich slept at home last night for the first time in almost 2 weeks. Since Alysha's status seems to be more stable, Justin stayed at home today to recharge and reconnect with his life and responsibilities. He has been a devoted brother, and a reliable support for Alysha, staying by her side every day since her surgery while her life was so fragile and unstable.
Justin & Alysha |
Off mechanical ventilation for practice.
Today, Alysha's condition remained stable. They took Alysha off mechanical ventilation this afternoon for 2 hours as practice to build up her breathing strength.
This morning when Auntie Michelle and Nan (Jeanne) visited her she showed some emotion. While Michelle and Jeanne were talking, Alysha started a soundless (because of the tracheotomy) sobbing, with chest heaving and tears. Later, during a visit with Justin, he asked her to lean forward so he could kiss her on the cheek and she did tip her head off the pillow to receive the kiss. Justin also requested she open her eyes and look at him, - which she did and then he and aunty shell asked her to look at Aunty and she did look in that direction. The medical staff suggested that the movements and emotion may have been involuntary, and random but the family feel strongly that Alysha was communicating with them through movement and emotion.
Visitors today include Grandpa Wilbert and Grandma Pierrette, Auntie Michelle and Nana (Jeanne), Lisa's cousin Vanessa and her husband Ryan, and Rich's uncle Chris and aunt Cindy. Aashish, Ron, Carolyn, Justin, Lisa and Rich.
Alysha and Grandpa Wilbert |
Alysha update August 4/12
A big smile
This morning Justin and Lisa went in to see Alysha. Justin greeted Alysha and asked her to open her eyes which she didn't do but she did give him a big smile instead. She later gave a smile to Chrissy and Jason. Other than these smiles Alysha was really non-responsive today.
Alysha is dealing presently with an infection that is affecting her entire body. They have taken all the IV's and catheters out because these locations are particularly susceptible to the infection. She is very medicated to keep her comfortable as she recovers from yesterday's procedures and the infection from today. Visitors and the staff working directly with Alysha are wearing infection control gowns and gloves.
Visitors today included Rich's Friend Edd, Jay and Chrissy, Ron and Carolyn, Wilbert and Pierrette.
Alysha update August 3/12
Tracheotomy and PICC line.
Today, Alysha's condition has been stable. She has been opening her eyes a little bit for much of the afternoon, except for when uncle Jason talks to her and then she opens them a lot. Alysha's blood pressure has been, "behaving," today.
This morning they performed a tracheotomy for Alysha at her bedside in the ICU. A tracheotomy is a surgical procedure which consists of making a cut on the front of the neck, and opening a direct airway through an incision in the trachea (wind pipe). This is a more comfortable way to provide ongoing mechanical ventilation for Alysha. Now when she turns her head the movement won't trigger her gag reflex. Lisa reports that Alysha looks so much more comfortable now. They also inserted a PICC line. A PICC line is a Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter that is a form of intravenous access that can be used for a prolonged period of time. With the PICC line in place, they were able to remove the catheter from the infected site on her neck and one of the IV lines in her arm. She is also undergoing dialysis today as her kidneys are not producing much urine. Alysha still has a tube in her nose that goes to her stomach (nasogastric tube) through which the staff can feed her.
A special visitor flew in today from New Brunswick. Grandpa Wilbert's wife Grandma Pierrette. Encouraged by Alysha's stable condition and supported by the nursing staff, Lisa and Rich are going to try spending the night out of the hospital at Jason and Chrissy's house in Brampton. Justin has been sleeping at a hotel in Toronto with his Dad and Grampa for the past few days since he dislocated his shoulder trying to sleep on chairs in the waiting room.
Alysha update August 2/12
A day of setbacks
Today Alysha has developed a lung infection. The infection is presently limited to the lower portion of her left lung. There is also an intervenous site on her neck that has a localized infection. She is on medication for both of these infections. Her oxygen is back up to 70% and the medical staff are needing to suction her lungs more frequently. Alysha was restless and looked either uncomfortable or frustrated. The doctors sedated her with medicine so she is once again non-responsive. In an effort to make Alysha more comfortable and reduce the risk of further infection, they are considering doing a tracheotomy in the next couple of days.
A few days ago we were excited when the physiotherapist requested Alysha squeeze her hand and she did so. Today however, the family was told that Alysha hasn't progressed as they would have expected. At this point Alysha should be able to raise two fingers in response to a request to do so. An inability to respond to requests such as these has the doctors thinking there is quite a lot of brain damage. We wait and see and we hope for the best.
Alysha update August 1/12
High Blood pressure
Alysha's blood pressure has continued to be abnormally high. The doctors have given her medication to lower her blood pressure. Family and medical staff have been trying to reduce stimulation for Alysha. When we went to see her we just held her hand. We didn't rub her arm or ask her to open her eyes or make any movements for us. Alysha was continuing to open her eyes and turn her head in the direction of her visitors. Unfortunately, when she turns her head, her breathing tube triggers her gag reflex and the resultant gagging looks uncomfortable for her. Visitors to the hospital today included Michelle, Jeanne, Paul, Alex, Kahlan, Claudette, Pauline, Alyssa, Debbie, Robyn, and Debbie's mom, Abby and I. The regulars at the hospital are Lisa, Rich, Justin, Ron, Wilbert and Aashish.![]() |
Abigail, Alysha & Kahlan |
Alysha update July 31/12 5:00 pm
No longer in a coma!
This afternoon Lisa was told that Alysha is officially no longer in a coma. Over the course of the day, Alysha has been opening her eyes and making many purposful/ meaningful movements. The most important one was an attempt by Alysha to reach and remove her breathing tube with her left arm. Our determined girl was sweating and red in the face with the effort of her quest to remove the tube. The tube however needs to stay in place until we know she can breathe continuously on her own. She is not in a coma any more however she is not ready to fully wake up.
A physical therapist was in today and worked with Alysha. Alysha made many attempts to open her eyes. When tested with a light, she can follow or track the light with her eyes. Also, her pupils of both eyes respond to light by dilating and constricting appropriately. Alysha purposefully squeezed her hand in response to the therapist's request for her to do so. She is able to follow these verbal instructions, so we are assuming she is hearing and understanding language and can translate that into movement. Her kidneys are continuing to produce a little urine. She is on dialysis again today. After an exhausting day of work with the therapist, Alysha's blood pressure escalated to a point where they gave her medications to decrease it back to a normal level.