Monday, 11 March 2013

The Road to Recovery - week 33

"The difference between try and triumph 
is a little umph." (anonymous)

Our sweet cherished Alysha Rose Smith is recovering from a post surgical complication that put her into cardiac arrest and into a coma for 7 days.  She emerged from the coma with severe brain damage.  This website was created to update friends and family of Alysha's progress along the road to recovery.  Please join us as we support Alysha on her journey.  (For earlier details, like the history behind this medical nightmare scroll to the bottom of the blog and click "older posts.")

Royal Victoria Hospital Rehabilitation Program.
Alysha began her therapy at the local program this week.  Alysha and Lisa met the Physiotherpist in this program who's positive approach which is mirrored in her communication was appreciated.  Something else that was very appreciated was the plan to await the assessment findings of the Toronto Rehab centre as opposed to subjecting Alysha to another 3 weeks of trivial evaluations.  When the physiotherapist was working with Alysha she asked her to move her left arm.  Alysha gave a response we have heard before a half-joking, "I can't.  It's broken and it doesn't work."  After seeing Alysha in action, the Physiotherapist responded, "everything works perfectly it just needs to be fine-tuned and that's where I come in."
The plan is to have physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy sessions as Alysha is used to.  They are adding hydrotherapy to the rehabilitation line-up as well. FYI parking at RVH is 15 dollars a session.

On the weekend, Alysha spent a day watching her cousin's hockey games.  She also went to lunch and a movie in Barrie with her Dad and cousin Abigail. Alysha for the most part seems in good spirits. 


Tuesday, 5 March 2013

The Road to Recovery - week 32

"I may not be there yet, but I am closer than I was yesterday."

Our sweet cherished Alysha Rose Smith is recovering from a post surgical complication that put her into cardiac arrest and into a coma for 7 days.  She emerged from the coma with severe brain damage.  This website was created to update friends and family of Alysha's progress along the road to recovery.  Please join us as we support Alysha on her journey.  (For earlier details, like the history behind this medical nightmare scroll to the bottom of the blog and click "older posts.")

Arrangements are made for ongoing therapy closer to home.
Lisa was contacted this week and informed that there is an opening in a local rehab program in Barrie.  After some reassurance from the staff and social worker at the Toronto Rehab Institute that a move to a different program wouldn't mean a step backward for Alysha's recovery, they accepted the spot in the local program.  As of next week Alysha and Lisa will no longer be travelling down to Toronto for her weekly rehab session.

Vision test
     After an inappropriately long wait, Alysha finally had her vision tested this week.  The test did confirm that Alysha has suffered significant vision loss.  Without corrective lenses, Alysha can't see anything except for movement beyond an arms length from her face.  
     It was also confirmed that Alysha has double vision caused by her right eye being weaker than her left.  If she closes one eye the double vision goes away.  It is believed that this can be corrected over time.  
     Glasses with the proper prescription have been ordered for Alysha but it could be up to 3 weeks before they are ready for her.  Lisa has requested that they expedite the order.  With Alysha's vision corrected with glasses we are hoping to see tangible improvements in Alysha's balance, walking, attention, and focus. 
     It was recommended that Alysha start wearing an eye patch to improve her eye muscle strength.  In her present state of uncorrected severe vision loss, Alysha isn't interested in wearing the patch which serves as a further barrier to her vision.  Perhaps she will be more amenable to the eye patch exercises when she can see again with the help of glasses.  

Monday, 4 March 2013

The Road to Recovery - week 31

"Life is like riding a bicycle.  
To keep your balance, you must keep moving." (Albert Einstein)

Our sweet cherished Alysha Rose Smith is recovering from a post surgical complication that put her into cardiac arrest and into a coma for 7 days.  She emerged from the coma with severe brain damage.  This website was created to update friends and family of Alysha's progress along the road to recovery.  Please join us as we support Alysha on her journey.  (For earlier details, like the history behind this medical nightmare scroll to the bottom of the blog and click "older posts.")

Alysha participated in her second week of therapy at the Rumsey center.  Alysha had 3 sessions with therapists. Physio, Occupational and Speech therapy.  During this second week at the center they were still running tests to establish the extent of Alysha's abilities.  Alysha seemed board with these tests.  They would ask Alysha a question about her abilities, she would respond to them accurately  and then they would go on to test to make sure that Alysha's abilities matched her responses.  It didn't take long for Alysha to figure out that the tests the therapists would ask permission to perform were double checking her responses and occasionally in response to their requests, you could hear Alysha say, "Whatever." Whatever is a slang term meaning "whatever you say" and "I don't care what you say." It is used to express indifference and is usually considered impolite.  It is used as a passive aggressive conversational blocking tool, leaving the responder without a convincing retort.  Anything they do or say can simply be blocked by the retort of "whatever."  Alysha offered up this single word sentence in frustration.  Frustration that she is being evaluated by another group of therapists, frustration that no one simply believes what she reports to them, frustration that she is a 21 year old woman who is faced with so many challenges.

Unsupported Standing.
Alysha was able to accurately differentiate between sharp and dull stimuli on her arms, hands, legs and feet.  The therapist attempted to see how long Alysha could stand on her own unsupported.  Alysha lasted 3 seconds, remained bent forward at the waist and never truly gained her balance during this brief exercise.  Lisa later explained that Alysha can stand on her own for up to 20 seconds unsupported, but she needs to start from a position where she is standing up straight.  The therapist didn't take the time to properly set up the test or find out from the family how to best facilitate this skill.

Positive Affirmations and Silent Tears.
     Over the past month, we have heard Alysha utter many positive affirmations in response to supportive comments by family, friends and therapists.  When she hears people say things like, "Oh my goodness Alysha you are walking so well," or, "You did a great job standing up," or "You are moving so quickly," or "I can see your improvement." She responds right back with, "Yes I am," or "Yah I am good," or, "I am really really good." Together with the healthy dose of laughter infused into every day by Lisa, these positive affirmations seem to help to keep Alysha's spirits high as she works to overcome her challenges.  It is well know than positive thinking evokes more energy, more initiative and more happiness.
     Occasionally Alysha has moments that aren't so positive.  They are so rare that they stand out in contrast to her seemingly positive outlook, and they are heartbreaking to witness.  At the rehab centre the social worker was having a conversation with Alysha who was using some of her positive affirmations.  The social worker asked Alysha what she found most challenging about her situation. Alysha didn't respond with her words right away, but a flood of silent tears (each one representing  frustration, and loss and pain) escaped her eyes and ran down her cheeks. Alysha quietly responded, "that I can't walk."  This challenge was further explored by the social worker.
     Later in the session with the social worker there was a discussion about the challenges of travelling to Toronto for ongoing therapy.  While Lisa continues to find the travel to Toronto time consuming and stressful, she is not wanting to make any changes that will cause a setback in Alysha's recovery.  It  would be nice to access a rehabilitation care option closer to home, provided the local care offered was as good as or better than that which she has been receiving from the Toronto Rehab Center.